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Member Concierge Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Member Concierge Program

What is the Member Concierge Program (MCP) and who is eligible?
The MCP provides tailored support and service to designated contacts for firms/companies/organizations/agencies (Groups) that have 25 or more members on a consolidated billing plan.  Eligible Groups are automatically enrolled.

What are the benefits of the MCP?
As part of the MCP you have access to a dedicated Member Concierge (MC) who will provide personalized solutions and suggestions for increasing AHLA engagement, including professional development opportunities and keeping up with the latest education and training in health law. While the Association’s Member Services team will continue to handle day-to-day questions, the MC can facilitate connection to other AHLA departments and staff when it is needed.

Other benefits include receiving regular reports about member engagement and benefit usage for your Group; gaining access to a dedicated portal that provides quick links to tailored AHLA resources about benefits, important membership information, calendar of events, FAQs; and being able to confirm participation levels of those in your Group and share about opportunities for involvement.

Group Bill

Is there a grace period for Group Bill Memberships?
There is a two-week grace period on memberships.

When adding a new member, what information do you need to set up the new membership?
When we add a new member to the Group Bill we ask that they provide name, address, business phone number, email address and Bar number.

When a member is removed from the Group Bill can we replace the member that left?
Yes, we would prorate dues for the new member to match your Group’s billing expiration. The member who leaves and is removed from the group bill takes their AHLA membership with them, as it is individual, portable and connected to each person.  Bylaws prevent us from moving remaining months of membership for someone to another person. You can add additional members though at any time.

Can a new member be included on the Group Bill if they have not passed their Bar?
Yes, absolutely. AHLA welcomes any and all health law professionals – whether they are a health lawyer, compliance or privacy officer, paralegal, or in-house counsel.

If a new member joins prior to the Group’s expiration, will the membership be prorated?
Yes, we are able to prorate the individual’s dues to match your Group’s expiration date.

How do I update my roster?
These instructions will take you through the steps to update your roster and create your renewal Invoice.

What are the Membership levels?
Please visit our Member Benefits and Pricing page for more information.

Membership and Dues Model

The Association is committed to be an inclusive organization that welcomes health lawyers and health law professionals. AHLA’s membership model provides for a choice in benefits, and each member is empowered to select the content, services, and products that best meet their professional needs and provides the greatest value. For more information, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions - Membership Model.